I’ve blogged many times about how content is king in the digital world and video content is especially sought after these days. With free software available on your computer video content is easy to create, edit and publish. At a conference I was at yesterday, Dale Beaumont from the Business Blueprint, showed us a 2 minute video with instructions on how to edit video content – he has created this for Windows and Mac computer software. Dale also said “that less than 3% of websites in Australia have video content” – that means you have a real opportunity to stand out from your competitors if you invest in video content for your website as soon as possible, before other people start to catch on.

A friend of mine, Lyss McClelland, is so convinced that video content is the way to go that she has put her television and movie acting career on hold to act, write and direct her own web series – One Step Closer To Home.

I’ve been watching web series for years, LonelyGirl15 and Kate Modern were two of the first web series I came across. Lyss’ new series One Step Closer to Home is a parody of suburban life but its a little darker than that. Lyss and her writing partner Ryan Johnson, have created a superficial pink world that is uber clean and on the surface seems very pleasant but as the series unfolds you start to get a sense of their struggles to survive the increasing costs of living, to maintain the cookie-cutter image of a beautiful and loving wife, to find time and energy and enthusiasm for a sex life.

Anyway, check it out for yourself, each episode is around 2 minutes long and you can watch the whole series in around 20 minutes.

Does it inspire you to change, does it remind you of someone you know, does it make you laugh or cringe? The comments on YouTube are polarising. What do you think?